South Piedmont Community College Associate in Science Capstone ePortfolio
Personal Introduction
I was born in Bethpage, New York, and my family moved around a couple of times before coming to North Carolina when I was a few weeks before my fifth birthday. Since a young age, my community has been a large part of my life. My primary involvement with the community has been the swim team, which I have been a member of for 12 seasons and counting. The team has always been a great group of friends that helped me get through difficult times. Perhaps more importantly, the ability to participate in a sport has taught me important lessons of life, including the value of defeat, the importance of practice, and the necessity of teamwork. I am a proud member of this community and try to give back today, still thankful for the support they have given me throughout my struggles.
The largest of these struggles was my parents' divorce. At the time, I was too young to understand the large impact it would have on the rest of my life. I unknowingly took my emotions out on those around me, getting in trouble in school and jeopardizing relationships with friends and family. I became distant from my siblings, started doing poorly in school, and was assigned to counseling. The financial impact was one that is still felt today. Living solely off my mother's income put great stress on our family. I realized this stress when one summer day, my mother took us to look for a new place to live. I still remember the small, bare buildings, and knowing that I didn't want to move. At this point, I was tired of things changing and my life seemingly being out of my control. I decided that if something was going to change in my life, it would be me.
Around the same time, I received an opportunity for an advanced math program from my school. With my family's encouragement and the desire to improve myself, I took the opportunity and began to make a change. In education, I discovered my passion for learning, seeing success in my advanced classes. This triumph augmented my self-esteem and confidence, which helped me address issues in other areas. In counseling, I made an honest effort to improve my temper and self-awareness, learning to express my emotions regularly and help others in need. With this development, I also assumed a more active household role. After years of seeing my mother struggle, I began to do my part to help as much as I possibly could, cooking meals, vacuuming, wiping counters, washing dishes, and much more.
The financial struggles my family has endured was a large part of my decision to come to Union County Early College and South Piedmont. Here I have been able to complete both high school and college courses, and when I graduate this spring I will have earned my high school diploma as well as my Associate's Degree in Science in just four years. I have also been able to participate in a number of academic enrichment programs--such as the Student Government Association and Honors Program--that have been a tremendous aid to my personal development.
In terms of education, I would describe myself as a focused and motivated student. I have a strong desire to improve myself and achieve success and know that I will need to continue to work hard to get there. My primary interests are chemistry and mathematics. My interest in both of these subjects stems from my excellent instructors, who have invigorated my learning experience and prompted my further study. In chemistry, I completed my favorite project within the Honors Program and in mathematics, I have started independent study through the readings of several books, beginning with A Tour of the Calculus by David Berlinski. I plan to continue my studies with these subjects and transfer to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this fall. I hope to work towards a Master's Degree, perhaps in the field of Material Science Engineering.
Speaking more to who I am as a student, I have always thought of myself as an auditory learner. I learn best when being taught in the form of a lecture and enjoy studying by rehearsing information to myself or attempting to teach it to others. I am mostly a logical thinker; I enjoy when there is a defined set of steps to arrive at a conclusion, but I also can use my previous experience to come up with new and effective solutions. This mindset aligns well with my interests in math and science, which also require a logical thought process.
Besides education, I maintain hobbies such as rock collecting, coin collecting, and as mentioned earlier, swimming. I use these and other activities as leisure, in order to keep a positive work-life balance and stay focused when I need to be. This focus stems from the hardship I have endured, which I am thankful for today. I believe it has allowed me to develop into an intelligent and emotionally mature individual, who is now ready to take the next step in life. It has also given me a sense of resourcefulness and resilience that others might not have. In the words of Abraham Lincoln: “I am not concerned that you have fallen--I am concerned that you arise."
One of my favorite family-photos, with my brother, sisters, and mother. I have always been very close with my family. I don't know what I would do without them!
Me and the rest of the SGA Executive Board at the Fall 2019 N4CSGA conference. I had so much fun meeting many different people and preparing for my professional future!
The cover of "A Tour of the Calculus," an educational book that is the first on my reading list for my independent study of mathematics this summer. I am excited to experience higher math!